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GateKeeper® Corrosive Gas Purifiers

GateKeeper® Corrosive (C-HCI / C-XPC) Gas Purifiers

Cost-effective gas purification

● Consistently delivers ultrapure gas
● Designed for use with HCl, Cl2, HBr, BCl3, SiCl4 and SiF4. The purifiers remove moisture to <1 ppb (part-per-billion) in N2.
● Guards against bulk gas purifier breakthrough, impurity spikes from liquid storage tanks, cylinder changeouts and unexpected contaminants in the process
● Does not release hydrocarbons that may contaminate the process
● Uses ambient temperature purification technology – no power or heat required
● Low pressure drop across purifiers


(C-HCI)  (C-XPC)


Materials of construction: 316L stainless steel, electropolished 10 Ra
Media: Inorganic
Gases purified: HCl, Cl2, HBr, BCl3, SiCl4, SiF4
Outlet purity: <1 ppb H2O in N2
Outlet particle filtration: 0.003 μm
Maximum differential pressure: 1379 kPa (200 PSID)
Minimum operating pressure: 101 kPa (14.7 PSIA)
Maximum flow rates: See datasheet.
Leak rating: 1 × 10-9 atm cc/sec.
Maximum inlet challenge of contaminant to maintain product efficiency: 10 ppm (part-per million)
Lifetime: One year at nominal flow rate with 1 ppm inlet challenge of moisture
Maximum operating temperature: 65°C (149°F)